================== Incubator Projects ================== .. contents:: Contents :local: The `Jupyter incubator `_ gives emerging projects a place to evolve. Descriptions ------------ Interesting projects include: * `content management extensions `_ - Jupyter Content Management Extensions * `dashboards `_ - Jupyter Dynamic Dashboards from Notebooks * `declarative widgets `_ - Jupyter Declarative Widgets Extension * `kernel gateway bundlers `_ - Converts a notebook to a kernel gateway microservice bundle for download * `showcase`_ - A spot to try demos of one or more incubating Jupyter projects in `Binder `_ * `sparkmagic `_ - Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters * `traittypes `_ - Traitlets types for NumPy, SciPy and friends There's also a `repository with proposals `_ of projects wishing to enter the incubator. Try the Incubator Projects -------------------------- The `showcase`_ application allows you to try demos of one or more incubating Jupyter projects in `Binder `_. Just head over to the `showcase`_ repo and press the :guilabel:`Launch Binder` button badge to launch the online trial. You should see an interactive notebook similar to this one: .. image:: ../_static/_images/showcase.png :alt: The online trial Jupyter notebook. It begins with a text cell stating that this is a temporary notebook server. It then lists the different incubator projects that are available on the server, with links to demos, documentation and GitHub repo for each. .. _showcase: https://github.com/jupyter-incubator/showcase