# October 26, 2021 **Date:** October 26, 2021, at 8am Pacific (your [timezone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/Los%20Angeles/2021-10-26/8:00/Jupyter%20Community%20Call)) **[Discourse](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/jupyter-community-calls/668)** **[YouTube link](https://youtu.be/ik2hG10GlE4)** **Please note:** - Community calls are recorded and posted to this [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUrHeD2K9Cmkoamm4NjLmvXC4Y6E1o8SP) - These notes will be recorded and posted [here](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/community/community-call-notes/index.html) - Everyone present is held to the [Jupyter Code of Conduct](https://jupyter.org/conduct) ## Purpose Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community. For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread [here](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/reviving-the-all-jupyter-team-meetings/423). ## Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs * **Carol** Thank you Zach for getting discussion started about [Classic notebook and maintainer issues on GitHub](https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/6210). :heart: * **Rollin** Reminder that Jupyter security calls are on every other Friday ([see community calendar](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/community/content-community.html#jupyter-community-meetings)) * **Many people** Thank you Darian for years of sustained effort on improving governance! ## Agenda Items * **Rollin** Jupyter security group overview and updates * **Chris** [Executable book project](https://executablebooks.org/en/latest) updates * **Simon** [BinderHub updates](https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub/blob/main/docs/source/changelog.md) * **Tony** exploring a 7-year old notebook * **Zach** exploring an 8-year old notebook * **Darian and Fernando** Update on governance refactor - parts that are now active or coming. * Relevant PR [jupyter/governance #103](https://github.com/jupyter/governance/pull/103) * [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Soa1Cm23WmQ6KOUAvLXzXhe2aE7jmf3vdR84oTd7QPs/edit#slide=id.p) ## Other Links Shared This is a space to store links shared during community call discussions related to or separate from the agenda items. - [jupyterlab/jupyterlab #11079](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/pull/11079) Settings UI PR - [myst](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/) - [The Executable Book Project gallery](https://executablebooks.org/en/latest/gallery.html) - [Sphinx autoapi](https://sphinx-autoapi.readthedocs.io/) - [2i2c](https://2i2c.org/) - [San Diego Python Intro to Python](https://github.com/sandiegopython/intro-to-python) - [Carol's Journey to Jupyter slides](https://www.slideshare.net/willingc/journey-to-jupyter) - [papyri](https://github.com/Carreau/papyri) - [Carol's JupyterHub "A Thing Explainer" slides](https://www.slideshare.net/willingc/jupyterhub-a-thing-explainer-overview) - https://abigayle-mercer.github.io/Jupyter/CH_3-1.html - [Jupyter governance office hours on the Jupyter Discourse](https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/governance-office-hours-meeting-minutes/1480/161) - [Notebook Hall of Fame](https://github.com/jennalandy/notebook-research/blob/master/analysis_notebooks/16_HallOfFame.ipynb) ## Attendees | Name | Institution | GitHub Handle | |----------|---------------------------|-----------------------------------| | Fernando Pérez | UC Berkeley, Jupyter | fperez | Simon Li | University of Dundee | @manics | Rollin Thomas | NERSC | @rcthomas | Carol Willing | Noteable | @willingc | Gabriel Fouasnon | Quansight Labs | gabalafou | Alex Bozarth | IBM | @ajbozarth | Karla Spuldaro | IBM | @karlaspuldaro | | Chris Sewell | Executablebooks | @chrisjsewell | |Jared Thompson|Comcast|@afonit| | Loic Huder | ESRF | @loichuder | | tonyfast | quansight | @tonyfast | | Isabela Presedo-Floyd | Quansight Labs | @isabela-pf | Plus 4 more