.. _boot2docker: Setup IPython development environment using boot2docker ======================================================= .. attention:: This is copied verbatim from the old IPython wiki and is currently under development. Much of the information in this part of the development guide is out of date. The following are instructions on how to get an IPython development environment up and running without having to install anything on your host machine, other than ```boot2docker`` `__ and ```docker`` `__. Install ``boot2docker`` ----------------------- Install `boot2docker `__. There are multiple ways to install, depending on your environment. See the `boot2docker docs `__. Mac OS X ~~~~~~~~ On a Mac OS X host with `Homebrew `__ installed: :: $ brew install boot2docker docker Initialize ``boot2docker`` VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: $ boot2docker init Start VM ~~~~~~~~ :: $ boot2docker up The ``boot2docker`` CLI communicates with the docker daemon on the ``boot2docker`` VM. To do this, we must set some environment variables, e.g. ``DOCKER_HOST``, :: $ $(boot2docker shellinit) To view the IP address of the VM: :: $ boot2docker ip Install ``ipython`` from Development Branch ------------------------------------------- :: $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ipython/ipython.git Build Docker Image ------------------ Use the Dockerfile in the cloned ``ipython`` directory to build a Docker image. :: $ cd ipython $ docker build --rm -t ipython . Run Docker Container -------------------- Run a container using the new image. We mount the entire ``ipython`` source tree on the host into the container at ``/srv/ipython`` to enable changes we make to the source on the host immediately reflected in the container. :: # change to the root of the git clone $ cd ipython $ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --workdir /srv/ipython --name ipython-dev -v `pwd`:/srv/ipython ipython /bin/bash To list the running container from another shell on the host: :: $ $(boot2docker shellinit) $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f6065f206519 ipython "/bin/bash" 1 minutes ago Up 1 minutes>8888/tcp ipython-dev Install IPython in Editable Mode -------------------------------- Once in the container, you'll need to uninstall the ``ipython`` package and re-install in editable mode to enable your dev changes to be reflected in your environment. :: container $ pip uninstall ipython # pip install ipython in editable mode container $ cd /srv container $ ls ipython container $ pip install -e ipython Run Notebook Server ------------------- :: container $ ipython notebook --no-browser --ip=* Visit Notebook Server --------------------- On your host, run the following command to get the IP of the boot2docker VM if you forgot: :: # on host $ boot2docker ip Then visit it in your browser: :: # browser As a shortcut on a Mac, you can run the following in a terminal window (or make it a bash alias): :: $ open http://$(boot2docker ip 2>/dev/null):8888