Jupyter Community Call May 31#

Date: May 31, 2022, at 7am Pacific (in your timezone)


YouTube link

Please note:


Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community.

For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.

Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#

  • Isabela: Shout out to the security team for rolling out awesome documentation on the Jupyter Vulnerability Handling Process!

  • Isabela: Reminder that the Jupyter Community Workshops call for proposals has been extended! You can now apply until June 6.

  • Mike Organising an internal intermediate/advanced jupyter training at Oxford, anything cool you would like to to share with biomedical researchers?

    • Matthias: I would search a bit on the napari side.

    • Chris Holdgraf is in Europe and runs 2i2c, he might be a good person to ask.

    • Romeo: reach out about relevant talks

      • Deep Learning in biomedical and genomics data

        • …using JuypterLab

        • …using Elyra Pipelines

      • Deep Learning based image analysis in Radiology

      • An overview and life demo of JupyterLab Extensions for Genomics

      • An overview and life demo of JupyterLab Extensions for Life Science

  • Please don’t disable authentication in Jupyter servers- Jupyter blog

  • Matthias: SciPy draft done! Hooray!

  • Gayle: Shout out to Sylvain for speaking at the upcoming PyData London

Agenda Items#

Add agenda items here before the meeting. We will reorganize the agenda so that it fits in the 60m meeting slot.

  • Name This is an example of agenda item formatting.

  • Matthias And https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter.github.io/pull/696, we’d love to know if some folks want to participate / help handle the process – no need to be be a security expert.

  • Matthias Question : Anything to organise about SciPy ?

    • Gayle: there is interest in organizing, but we need ideas! Reach out if there’s something you’d like to organize.

    • Isabela: not aware of anything that has developed yet, but can ask around.

  • Isabela Sharing two cool resources I don’t see talked about often:




GitHub Handle

Wayne Decatur

Upstate Medical University


Michał Krassowski



Gayle Ollington



Eric Gentry



Romeo Kienzler



Isabela Presedo-Floyd

Quansight Labs


Plus one more.