Incubator Projects#
The Jupyter incubator gives emerging projects a place to evolve.
Interesting projects include:
content management extensions - Jupyter Content Management Extensions
dashboards - Jupyter Dynamic Dashboards from Notebooks
declarative widgets - Jupyter Declarative Widgets Extension
kernel gateway bundlers - Converts a notebook to a kernel gateway microservice bundle for download
showcase - A spot to try demos of one or more incubating Jupyter projects in Binder
sparkmagic - Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters
traittypes - Traitlets types for NumPy, SciPy and friends
There’s also a repository with proposals of projects wishing to enter the incubator.
Try the Incubator Projects#
The showcase application allows you to try demos of one or more incubating Jupyter projects in Binder. Just head over to the showcase repo and press the Launch Binder button badge to launch the online trial. You should see an interactive notebook similar to this one: