February 23rd, 2021#
Date: February 23, 2021, at 9am Pacific (your timezone)
Please note:
Community calls are recorded and posted to this playlist
These notes will be recorded and posted here
Everyone present is held to the Jupyter Code of Conduct
Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community.
For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.
Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#
Nick B: Are you excited by… JS license compliance? Feedback welcome on lab#9779 (screenshot)!
Nick B: The latest Lab RTC PR (demo) is 🔥!
Isabela Presedo-Floyd: If you are interested in helping run or host a community call, let me know (you won’t have to do it alone :sunflower:)!
Mike: pyls fork python-ls in cooperation with the Spyder team; preview of the changes to come in my personal fork (fast and more clever autocompletion for jupyterlab-lsp!)
Matt S: testbook had a talk at PyCascades around unittesting Jupyter Notebooks.
Agenda Items#
Loic Huder: short presentation of jupyter-h5web, a JLab extension to explore/visualize HDF5 files
Jagane Sundar: short presentation of InfinStor’s free hosted Jupyterhub service (https://infinstor.com), a Cloud hosted free Jupyterhub - our Jupyterhub service is free, you pay for Jupyterlab instance resources consumed
Frédéric Collonval: short presentation of papermill_report. JupyterHub service to generate report from notebooks combining papermill and nbconvert.
Nick B: demo of ipydrawio (🍴 with 💖 of @quantstack/jupyterlab-drawio), the full diagrams.net UI (with all plugins, themes, shapes…) for Lab 3. Supports
, sorta)