Jupyter Community Call 07/26#
Date: July 26, 2022, at 8am Pacific (in your timezone)
Please note:
Community calls are recorded and posted to this playlist
Everyone present is held to the Jupyter Code of Conduct
Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community.
For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.
Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#
This is a place to make short announcements (without a need for discussion).
Darian Governance update: Executive Council, Software Steering Council, Distinguished Contributors
Darian Lumino 2
rcthomas Reminder on Github 2FA for Jupyter Project developers
nick voila-dashboards almost works with lab (no more cdnjs/unpkg, etc.)
fcollonval JupyterLab 3.4.4 released - Changelog
Isabela JupyterLab accessibility calls are still happening, and everyone is welcome. Our next call is tomorrow at 10:15am Pacific!
nick ipywidgets latest docs now include jupyterlite demos
Agenda Items#
Isabela Favorite community call memories/what you want next
Demos of work people are building on top of Jupyter (but not sales pitches)
Themes for calls!
Lightning talk length of share (right now we have one minute or ten)
“live demos are always good even if they’re incomplete”
“I’d like people to report a new thing they learned “today I learned” using a Jupyter notebook recently”
Sign up sheet to mix up hosts! Good for everyone to get experience and can bring in new energy.
Recognize testers
Once a quarter: “here’s four ways you can contribute” as a recurring topic so people get reminded and don’t have to watch the back catalog to hear it (or a list of projects to contribute to)
Name |
Institution |
GitHub Handle |
Frederic Collonval |
QuantStack |
@fcollonval |
Simon Li |
University of Dundee |
@manics |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Wayne Decatur |
Upstate University |
@fomightez |
Rollin Thomas |
@rcthomas |
Jeremy Tuloup |
QuantStack |
@jtpio |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Plus 4 more.