May 25, 2021#
Date: May 25, 2021, at 8am Pacific (your timezone)
Please note:
Community calls are recorded and posted to this playlist
These notes will be recorded and posted here
Everyone present is held to the Jupyter Code of Conduct
Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community.
For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.
Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#
Darian Congratulations to the 2020 cohort of Jupyter Distinguished Contributors!
Nick ipydrawio 1.1.0 just dropped: now has the
theme, a Custom Diagram… Launcher which offers all of the (extensible) templates. Also docs.Steve JupyterLab 3.1.0a9 is now available with Real Time Collaboration (RTC)! To use:
pip install -U --pre jupyterlab
orconda install -c conda-forge -c conda-forge/label/jupyterlab_alpha jupyterlab=3.1.0a9
jupyter lab --collaborative
orJupyter settings:
{"LabApp": {"collaborative": true, "expose_app_in_browser": true}}
Isabela Congratulations to all the community members who submitted CZI grant proposals last week! Thank you for your hard work.
Agenda Items#
Tony Fast Searching notebooks
RTC Demo with Live Binder (temporary link given in Zoom Chat, based on Michał’s example). There is a “Share” top level menu item you can use to create the shareable link.
Nick Learning with flashcards about… stuff?
Institution |
Name |
GitHub Handle |
University of Southern California |
Dhrithi Deshpande |
@dhrithideshpande |
Openteams |
Eskild Eriksen |
@iameskild |
Two Sigma |
Afshin T. Darian |
@afshin |
Georgia Tech |
Nick Bollweg |
@bollwyvl |
Microsoft |
Joyce Er |
@joyceerhl |
Microsoft |
Claudia Regio |
@claudiaregio |
Microsoft |
Paige Bailey |
@dynamicwebpaige |
Thorin Tabor |
@tmtabor |
Alan Turing Institute |
Sarah Gibson |
@sgibson91 |
QuantStack |
Frederic Collonval |
@fcollonval |
Quansight |
Mars Lee |
@marsbarlee |
Jupyter/Noteable |
Carol Willing |
@willingc |
QuantStack |
Jeremy Tuloup |
@jtpio |
QuantStack |
David Brochart |
@davidbrochart |
Apple |
Steven Silvester |
@blink1073 |
Apple |
Zach Sailer |
@Zsailer |
Quansight |
Tony Fast |
@tonyfast |
Quansight Labs |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
@isabela-pf |
uPlanner |
Sebastian Flores |
@sebastiandres |