Jupyter Community Call 1/31#
Date: January 31, 2023 at 7am Pacific (in your timezone)
Please note:
Community calls are recorded and posted to this playlist
These notes will be recorded and posted here
Everyone present is held to the Jupyter Code of Conduct
Think of it as a monthly, virtual JupyterCon. It’s a place to announce and share fun things happening in the Jupyter community.
For more discussion on the format of these calls, see the thread here.
Short reports, celebrations, shout-outs#
This is a place to make short announcements (without a need for discussion).
Isabela We’ve officially hit two years of consecutive Jupyter community calls! Thank you all for supporting our community.
Nick Recent release of traitlets supports tab completion
Gayle Blog post about Jupyter governance launch
Agenda Items#
Add agenda items here before the meeting. We will reorganize the agenda so that it fits in the 60m meeting slot.
Stephen Macke: IPyflow: a dataflow-aware Python kernel for JupyterLab
Nick Bollweg: jyg: run JupyterLab commands from the CLI… or other browser windows
Gayle: Jupytercon! How would you promote the event? Reach out at gayle@numfocus.org
Kafonek: Are any Jupyter-collaborative meetings (Y-py, etc) still going on? Have tried to connect to those communities and had trouble. Also would like to push for pypi to host wasm wheels.
Name |
Institution |
GitHub Handle |
nick bollweg |
deathbeds |
@bollwyvl |
stephen macke |
meta |
matt kafonek |
noteable |
Frederic Collonval |
QuantStack |
@fcollonval |
Gayle Ollington |
@gollington |
Wayne Decatur |
Upstate Medical Univ. |
@fomightez |
Carlos Brandt |
Constructor Univ. |
@chbrandt |
tonyfast |
deathbeds |
@tonyfast |
A. T. Darian |
QuantStack |
@afshin |
Isabela Presedo-Floyd |
Quansight Labs |
@isabela-pf |
Plus 3 more